*** NEXT QUIZ NIGHT: Monday Jan. 28th/2019 *** 

Here are the results from the last Quiz night:

1st place team: '- - - ' xxpts.(xx/xx)
2nd place team: '- - -' xxpts.(xx/xx)

Congradulations to all of last Monday's winners!

Hello Possums,

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to you all..!!
The Tudor Arms Monday Night Quiz will be back in
action from Monday Jan 28th/2019 @ 19:15..
Spread the news to your team mates & book your
tables as you normally do, call 08-660 2712 or come 
by & see us at the pub...
Dust off those brain cells & get yourselves ready..
The fun starts Monday Jan 28th/2019..!
C ya all there!

Quizmaster John